Aloe Chia Lime Water

When it comes to my water, I can’t help myself. I absolutely have to doctor it up some how. It’s a bit of a creative outlet and a fun challenge to figure out new ways to enhance my water. Ultimately, it ensures that I meet my hydration needs.

This week, I have rediscovered the therapeutic benefits of aloe. For starters, it contains vitamins A, C and E, the minerals sulfur, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and chromium, as well as antioxidants, fiber, amino acids, enzymes, sterols, lignins, and wait for it….polysaccharides. According to David Wolfe, aloe’s polysaccharides help lubricate joints, the brain, the nervous system and the skin. They also provide steady energy over time.

Now I’m a sucker for anything that promises to help my creaky joints and have a protective effect for my brain. It is interesting that, in nature, things that resemble certain body parts are often specifically nourishing to that particular system. For example, walnuts have an uncanny resemblance to the brain, and their fats are brain-healthy indeed. We know carrots are good for our eyes, and if you cut a carrot crosswise, again…look familiar? So it makes sense, that the gooey, slimy innards of the aloe leaf lubricate our joints and help our brain which needs protective insulation to prevent drying out.

A perfect partner for aloe is one of my favourite super foods: chia. Not only is chia a great source of plant-based protein and omega – 3 fats, but chia seeds like to get gooey and slimy, too. This goo acts like a super sponge helping our digestive system rid itself of that which it no longer needs….please don’t make me elaborate 🙂

Not content to leave it at that, I thought I’d add a pinch of MSM. MSM is also great for joint health.

To make the drink a bit more tasty, I added the juice of a lime; however, any citrus would do.

A final note, from David Wolfe on aloe’s benefits:

If you want to be beautiful all the days of your life, if you want to be flexible and limber all the days of your life, if you want to have an immune system and nervous system that work well for all the days of your life, aloe vera is the superfood for you.

Aloe Chia MSM Lime Water

1 liter filtered water
1 tablespoon aloe gel
1 teaspoon chia seeds
1/2 – 1 teaspoon MSM
Juice of 1 lime or lemon

Add above ingredients to blender and pulse briefly.