Cacao Bites

You can feel good about enjoying these treats. They’re made with raw cacao, which, among many health benefits, is the richest food source of magnesium on the planet. So, if anyone asks if you’re having a treat, you can simply correct them and let them know you’re simply making sure you’re getting enough magnesium! Then you can really bore them and list the many other benefits….antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, protein, omega 3 fats…..make them sorry they ever questioned you!

All you need for these yummy bites is a few minutes and a trusty food processor. My hand-me-down food processor is over 35 years old, and while certainly bearing battle scars, it works like a charm…thanks, Mom.

Typically, this is a “what do I have on hand?” recipe, and we all enjoyed this nice chocolately treat…I mean magnesium supplement.

Raw Cacao Bites

1 cup pitted dates (please make sure they’re pitted so you don’t break a tooth)
1/2 cup raw almonds
1/2 cup raw walnuts
1/2 cup macadamia nuts
1 tablespoon chia seeds
2 tablespoons ground flax
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 tablespoon SunWarrior chocolate protein powder
1 tablespoon raw cacao
2 T goji berries
pinch salt

Start by pulsing almonds, walnuts and macadamia nuts…then add remaining ingredients and combine well.

Roll into bite-sized balls and store in fridge or freezer.