Chewy Apricot Bars

My boys in particular are (mostly) generous when I recruit them for taste testing. Several members of Dan’s basketball team got roped into tasting this one. I’m not sure if they were overly polite as they were counting on a drive back to the gym, really hungry or genuinely happy with these bars…maybe a combination of all three. They DID go on to win the tournament shortly after the taste test, so at the very least they make a great “pre game” snack!

All you need for this one is food processor and 5 ingredients! These are my favourite recipes: Easy. Nutritious. Quick.

Chewy Apricot Bars

  • 1/2 cup pitted dates (I used Parnoosh – more economical than Medjool and fine for this recipe)
  • 3/4 cup dried apricots (I used Made in Nature organic as they have no added sugar, sulphites or artificial colour)
  • 2 cups shredded coconut
  • 1 tablespoon hemp seeds (I used GoldTop organic – same price as other non-organic brands)
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
Put everything in food processor and blend, blend, blend! The longer you blend the more “buttery” the mixture will become – lending a creaminess to the bars without added fat. You won’t believe there is no added fat (seriously). Press into an 8 x 8 parchment-lined pan, cut bars into desired size and keep in fridge or freezer.
