Crossword Love

One of the ways I demonstrate my love for my boys is through food. Nothing fills me with greater joy than to prepare something they love and watch them enjoy it. They’re a little big to sit on my lap now and they get a little embarrassed if I’m overly demonstrative in public (wink). So food works. For me, it’s an act of love.

I discovered just recently another form of connection my boys enjoy. A guilty pleasure in our home is to have the Globe and Mail delivered on Saturdays. Flipping through the paper with a warm cup of coffee is a perfect way to spend a Saturday morning. I haven’t had many opportunities to indulge lately; however, I did have the paper on hand while Will was up for a visit. He reached for the crossword puzzle and got right to work. It turns out that one of his roommates in Toronto, who hails from the East coast, is from a “Saturday Globe” family himself. Will and Conner purchase a weekly paper specifically to do the crossword. My mom instinct tells me this is a sweet homage to home, and it’s quite a hoot to hear how competitive they are! This rekindled my love of crosswords, and now Will and I will text each other and keep tabs on our progress. It’s sweet and fun and helps me feel connected.

Recently, our little crossword party gained a new member. Son Number 2 joined in over Thanksgiving weekend, and now Dan is in in the fray as we frantically work on the weekly puzzle. Group chats with photos go flying back and forth, and you can imagine the “brotherly love” in some of the comments (double wink)! Now we just have to get Ben on board to make it complete!

While we may not get to see each other as often as we would like, we can continue to demonstrate love, care and concern by sharing interests, even if we’re miles apart. It’s sweet, it’s fun, and it says “I love you” a million times over, and for that I am most grateful. Gestures do not have to be “grand” to be grand.

Wishing you many fond moments this week, and, by the way, any idea what #23 across is? 😉ove