Holy Basil Blueberry Gummies

While certainly not new, there’s two new darlings in the nutrition world. Holy Basil (Tulsi) tea is considered the “Queen of Herbs” and the “elixir of life” for its many health benefits, most notably its ability to help the body tolerate stress; and gelatin (not the kind in little boxes in crazy colours) is being touted for its ability to help repair supporting connective tissue (think bone, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, skin , hair, nails) in addition to having anti-inflammatory effects, is thyroid-supporting, helps the body manufacture glutathione, and helps heal the gut – phew!

Heather mentioned seeing a television program that featured Holy Basil Gummies as a healthy treat to help you cope with stress over the holidays. I thought this was a brilliant idea and immediately went home to mess up my kitchen. I found the recipe she referred to here, and then thought I would play around with the recipe a little bit for variety.

Holy Basil Blueberry Gummies

3 cups strong-brewed Holy Basil Tea (approx 1 tsp per cup of water)
1 cup blueberries
4 tablespoons Great Lakes Gelatin – orange can
3 tablespoons maple syrup
4 tablespoons lime juice
pinch salt

In high speed blender, blend blueberries with room temperature tea.
Whisk blueberry tea mixture with gelatin in a saucepan and let sit for 5 minutes.
Gradually warm mixture and stir in remaining ingredients. When nice and warm, and well incorporated, pour into silicone molds or onto a parchment-lined baking sheet. Cool in fridge. If using baking sheet method, cut into desired shape bites and then store in fridge. Enjoy anytime you wish to have a snack…or wish to combat stress.