Kind Living Fat Bombs

Fats are bad. Fats are good. Fats are bad. Fats are good. Oh boy, it is a confusing world out there!

I briefly (very briefly) flirted with a low-fat diet back in the early 90s. The Pritikin diet was all the rage, and I gamely tried it on for size. It was a brief relationship. I made muffins that were unspeakably dry and tasteless from the Pritikin cookbook. The muffins were so bad that, on “moving day”, we decided to leave them on the back deck (for later disposal) rather than putting them back in the freezer. Given that it was a busy day, it’s no wonder that they were forgotten. The next morning, remembering that they were left on the deck, I went out to investigate. The evidence was clear that racoons had discovered them. Evidence also was clear that the racoons rejected said muffins as you could actually see where they spit the muffins out and left the remaining dozen untouched. That has to be some kind of Guiness World Book record – to make something so absolutely distasteful that even racoons would reject it! My love affair with low-fat was over before it began.

Fast forward to 2017. Now it’s all about fat, fat, fat. You may be familiar with the Ketogenic diet, which actually isn’t new, but is enjoying popularity right now. For more information, I like this review by Holistic nutritionist Meghan Telpner. I share Meghan’s view of embracing healthy fats, yet not strictly adhering to the ketogenic diet.

So this is a rather long-winded introduction to this week’s recipe, which is for “Fat Bombs”. This particular recipe calls for equal amounts of raw cacao butter, coconut oil and peanut butter (or other nut/seed butter). I like including raw cacao butter as it has a harder consistency at room temperature which results in a product that doesn’t melt as quickly as it would if coconut oil was used alone.

These are quick to make and really tasty. They also satisfy your sweet tooth, and the healthy fats leave you satiated, which means you generally need less to feel satisfied. (This may be more a theory than fact; sometimes I still pig out). We enjoyed these fat bombs at the studio today (Sunday), and feedback was pretty enthusiastic….See – you don’t want to miss a Sunday!

Should you try these, I hope you enjoy; and, as always, I welcome your feedback.

Kind Living Fat Bombs

1/3 cup coconut oil
1/3 cup raw cacao butter (grated)
1/3 cup peanut butter (or other nut/seed butter)
2 – 3 tablespoons raw cacao powder
2 tablespoons maple syrup
2 tablespoons crushed pistachios (lightly roasted/salted variety)
2 tablespoons toasted shredded coconut

In a saucepan, melt cacao butter and coconut oil over gentle heat. Add peanut butter and blend until well mixed. Add in cacao powder – making sure well blended. Add in maple syrup, pistachios and coconut. Pour in to silicone molds. Freeze until firm. Remove from molds and store in container in fridge.