Vegan Tuna Salad

I have always loved a good tuna fish sandwich; however, since shifting away from eating animals and fish, I haven’t indulged in years. Tuna fishing practices are problematic (dolphins and other species getting caught in nets, etc.), and significant health concerns have been raised regarding mercury levels and other contaminants in larger fish such as tuna, swordfish and orange roughy. That knock-out punch has me convinced to skip the skipjack, thank you very much. (If you’re interested in more information, an article in The Globe and Mail reviews concerns and Health Canada recommendations.)

Thank goodness the humble chickpea doesn’t have these concerns! You can make just about anything with chickpeas. You’ve just gotta love something that can make everything from fudge to tuna fish….but maybe not tuna-flavoured-chickpea-fudge….I’m guessing that wouldn’t be such a hit, at least not in our house 😉

So, with my boys and their partners gradually shifting to plant-based diets (come on, Will), I have a large and (usually) appreciative crew of willing samplers. So far, the feedback on this combination was positive, with Ben suggesting more fresh herbs. He loves the flavour complexity of herbs and has great appreciation for their natural “preservative” effects (I did not know this).

You may wish to alter ratios depending on your preferences, so use this as a “skeleton” and unleash your creativity!

Vegan Tuna Salad

1 796 ml/28 fl oz can of organic chickpeas (we like Eden Organic) – drained and rinsed
1/2 cup “veganaise” or mayonnaise – less if you prefer a drier consistency
2 celery stalks – finely chopped
4 tablespoons fresh parsley – chopped
1 tablespoon Sriracha sauce
1/2 teaspoon salt

Other “add ins”: shredded carrot, other herbs,….

Combine ingredients in food processor. Pulse until well incorporated and resembles consistency of tuna salad. Serve as desired and enjoy!