Warm Cinnamon Honey Almond Milk

In the spirit of “warming” spices, what could be better than cinnamon?

Much, much more than just a delicious scent and something to sprinkle on toast, the health benefits of cinnamon are impressive.

A variety of studies are showing promise in the following areas:

  • regulates blood sugar levels
  • reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol
  • anti-microbial
  • anti-inflammatory – especially with pain due to arthritis
  • may reduce proliferation of cancer cells
  • natural food preservative
  • source of fiber, calcium, iron and manganese
  • shows promise in the prevention/management of Alzheimers, Parkinsons, and MS
  • scent has been shown to boost brain function
  • traditional “warming” agent in Chinese medicine

Of course, always best to look for organic. Store in a glass container in a dark, dry place. I really like cinnamon from Truly Organic Foods, and find their price to be very economical.

Enjoy this warming beverage with the added nutritional boost of raw honey!

2 cups unsweetened almond milk
1 1/2 teaspoons organic cinnamon
1-2 teaspoons raw honey (or to taste :))
1 teaspoon vanilla

Gently warm above ingredients, being careful not to bring to a boil. This will help retain the nutritional benefits.