12 Apr What Changes will You Keep?
Challenges notwithstanding, there have been some changes in the way things are done that have proven to be more efficient and/or enjoyable in unanticipated ways. My musical friend Joanne used to lug her keyboard to lessons and, in addition to the time-consuming commute, she often had difficulty seeing her instructor’s keyboard. After several months of teaching online, her teacher surveyed her students to see if they would like to return to in-person teaching. They unanimously voted in favour of keeping the online Zoom format.
One of my sisters is a bridge-playing whizz and also had to switch to an online format. She really enjoys the convenience the format affords and is happy to keep playing online.
I received an email recently from a student who typically travels south during the winter. Practicing yoga while away had demanded a significant amount of time once travel time was factored in. Half the day would be over by the time she finished her class! Having adapted to an online format, she is now practicing in the comfort of her home and appreciating the time savings.
One of the things I appreciate with teaching online is that it gives me so many opportunities to offer more variety. I can prepare classes that range from five minutes long to a full-length class. I can offer a class that is specific to one area of the body or helpful tutorials and movement breaks. One thing I hear over and over is that people are practicing more frequently, which is exactly what all the research tells us we need. We are far better off practicing for 25 minutes several times per week (or several times per day) vs once or twice for 60 minutes. Ultimately, people have more options, more convenience, and opportunities to move with greater frequency. It has been an outcome that I didn’t anticipate.
Moving forward, the online option is here to stay. I anticipate outdoor classes when the weather warms up and stay-at-home orders are lifted. I have been in discussion regarding private groups, so if this is something you would like to consider please reach out!
I would love to hear about the things that have changed for you in a positive way. Is it a hybrid model of working from home coupled with days at the office? Have you taken a course and learned a new skill? Have you discovered or rediscovered something that brings you joy? Sourdough anyone?
Keenly aware that this past year has been devastating in so many ways and mindful of “toxic positivity” which can diminish authentic feelings, I am curious about the things that have changed that you wish to keep moving forward. Let’s mine these silver linings and share our stories.